Children's Ministry
Sunday Club
When: Every Sunday of school term with the 10:00am Family Church Service
For Whom: Children from 6 months to Year 6
What to Expect:
For the children to learn about Jesus through Bible stories, games, drama, singing and craft activities. Age appropriate activities for 6 months to 3 years, preschoolers, years k-2 and years 3-6 are provided.
During the year Sunday Club hosts picnics for the children and their families and the wider church community.
For more Information:
Contact Rev. Trevor Young (Rector) on 9529 6141.
When: Every Wednesday of school term, 9:30am-12pm
For Whom: Mums and Dads of Preschoolers (0-5yrs)
What to Expect:
Fun! Play time and activities for the children including painting, playdough, games, singing, craft, toys and outside play. There is time for parents to chat and connect with other parents.
Time in the morning is given to listening to a Bible story and learning more about God's love for you.
For more Information:
Contact Rosemary Young on 9529 6141.