If you haven’t been to church before, then what goes on inside a church building each and every Sunday might be a bit of a mystery. At St Andrews Sans Souci we see church as being a pretty simple thing – it is a family gathering of God’s people!
There are some things that we always do together when we meet on Sunday’s.
- Central to our family gathering is listening to God speak, and so the Bible is read. After that someone spends time exploring the part of the Bible just read and helps us think about how it applies to our lives.
- We always talk to God in prayer.
- We also sing together, to remind one another about who God is and what he has done. Whether you are an opera singer or tone deaf you’re most welcome to join us! However, there is no requirement that you sing.
- We regularly share in the Lord’s Supper together. Someone will always explain what we are doing and, more importantly, why we are doing it.
- Just like a family shares what is going on in their lives, we also put aside some time to talk about what is going on in our church family life. We’re told what events or opportunities are happening at St Andrews in the next little while. Sometimes someone will talk about what God has been doing in their life.
- We always end our time together with food, either morning tea or supper. This is a chance to catch up with another, find out what has been happening in each other’s lives, and to pray for and encourage one another. It’s also an opportunity for us to meet you if you are new and to introduce you to other members of our church family.